Light. It is always so intoxicating and impossible to refuse.
This former public housing apartment-turned-office space is situated next to a street lined with trees.
Its basement lends a five-step elevation to the first floor,
which adds to the majestic effect of the display window.
On the outside, the display windows are made with clean-cut metal frames,
and put together to form a fan-shaped screen.
Its decisive angles and liveliness throws different reflections and shadows with the changing daylight,
and when night falls and the lights come on,
it is another sort of art altogether,
attracting the attention of passersby.
Inside, the snowy white exhibition space creates a pure and eternal beauty,
yet the grey PVC floor tiles grounds it and gives it and stability.
The originally dark rectangular room is relieved by the special design of the walls and ceiling,
and the natural lighting outdoors brightens the overall view.
The multi-faceted walls draw their inspiration from crystals.
They not only bring the four surfaces together,
they also bring out the theme of the design.
The four independent tables give each section a theme,
like a gallery, and the picture frame-like hollows
in the walls are display windows made especially
for the numerous designer light decorations.
The embossments on the wall are the names of designers who created the lights,
and signify the spirit of craftsmanship.
Being almost entirely white,
the exhibition room inherits the stylistic language of the team,
and by utilizing fantastical and creative methods,
makes a statement of its image,
and the artistic stance that sets it apart from the masses.